Chap.4 Socio-Culture of Shah Alam

Nurul Latifah Biakhrom & Johana Syahirah Jauhari

1.0 Introduction

This study is about socio culture of town that related closely to the project site in Shah Alam, Malaysia. It covers social activities, social interaction (human-human and human-nature interaction), and livability and social sustainable neighbourhood from residents’ perspectives.

2.0 Studies Related to Socio-Culture in Shah Alam

2.1 Social Activities

According to Prothrugy Group, Nurhayati et al. (2018) highlighted that green open spaces (GOS) are integral parts of the green network in any urban areas which serve the benefits of cities and people’s well-being in a variety of forms. They include physical, emotional and social health. Nurhayati et al. (2018) stated that this paper sought to explore further on the determinant factors of quality green open space (QGIS) assessment in Malaysia as part of an effort to overcome this shortcoming. This study adopts quantitative methods through questionnaire surveys to identify the most relevant factors which influence the quality of green open spaces in Malaysia. 1500 questionnaire survey was distributed within fifteen (15) neighbourhood parks. The results generated from Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) had revealed eight most relevant factors of social sustainability, use pattern, place attachment, facilities, safety and security, nature preferences, activities and accessibility to achieve the quality of open spaces in Malaysia. Hence, the Group proposes to improve the facilities in public spaces in order to increase the comfortability of the public user.

Prothrugy group also mentioned that Ngesan et al., (2012) highlighted about human behaviour and activities in relation to Shah Alam urban park during night-time where the authors analyse deeper into the role of public parks in the social life of urban communities. Ngesan et al., (2012) stated that there are limited studies regarding night time social behaviour and activities in urban communities. The results show that the relation between community activity and urban park setting can improve understanding more on these two matters which later, could be used to influence the development of public park design, as well as to create night time urban outdoor environments which are more conducive for community leisure activity. Since the study is limited to neighbourhood parks, Prothrugy Group recommends to use this quantitative method in identifying factors that influence the quality of green spaces and expand it to cover commercials and offices to capture broader social engagement pattern.

2.2 Social Interaction (Human-Human and Human-Nature Interaction)

Omar et al., (2015) highlight the human interaction of open spaces which are outdoor urban environments. The interaction is emphasized as human-human interaction and human-nature interaction in the open spaces based on systematic data collection and observation on the daily usage pattern of spaces, according to the Prothrugy Group. Omar et al., (2015) mentioned the major functions of open spaces which are to allocate space for the city dwellers for a natural setting enjoyment ranging from low-activity leisure to a mire high-activity recreation. Public open space is for the public enjoyment whereby the private open space is to fulfil a certain group society. However, according to group Prothrugy this paper only concerns on the human interaction for open spaces, the emotional component involved in their experience of nature and the benefits perceived. Prothrugy Group recommends to emphasize the interaction between human and nature by improving the landscape and nature elements around the public area, while at the same time increasing the interaction within the community.

2.3 Liveability and Social Sustainable Neighbourhood from Residents’ Perspectives

According to Shah Alam Future, TeukChinb, A. (2019) highlighted about livability and perceived values of sustainable neighborhood design based on personal perceptions from residents and users. The method collected public feedback on user experience where residents and users perceive livability through small differences in sustainable design elements. TeukChinb, A. (2019) stated that a significant number of the views of mixed and diverse income groups in New Town allow more people to have the ability to participate in civic and public spaces socially. Additionally, TeukChinb, A. (2019) said that the existence of a passable path is a design feature where walking allows greater access to the public areas and leisure services. Moreover, quality aesthetics and architecture also help create an attractive environment for navigation. Prothrugy Group recommends further studies on areas that are at risk of committing crimes or disturbances to residents, either at commercial or residential building areas, in view of providing public safety for prosperous urban development. In summary,Prothrugy Group proposes bridging livability and social sustainability though good neighbourhood design to mitigate crime against residents.

3.0 Conclusion

Based on the above analysis, several elements stand out for further enhancing the town of Shah Alam. Among them are improving the facilities in public spaces for the comfort of public users, moving social activities in urban parks setting, and offering urban outdoor night time environments that supports the community’s social activities. In order to produce a more active urban lifestyle, is would be beneficial to conduct a survey of user’s behavioral activities in Shah Alam for both day-time and night-time. The findings of the survey of behavioural activities will help to improve the public space facilities. Therefore, the availability of public space facilities in the Shah Alam will encourage more social activities and interaction in urban area. Bridging livability and social sustainability through neighborhood design is recommended with public-participation involvement during neighborhood participatory planning and decision making


Nurhayati, A. M., Siti Zabeda, M., & Amanina, N. (2018). Determinant factor for quality green open space assessment in Malaysia. Journal of Design and Built Environment, 18(2), 26–36.

Ngesan, M. R., Karim, H. A., & Zubir, S. S. (2012). Human Behaviour and Activities in Relation to Shah Alam Urban Park during Nighttime. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 68, 427–438. DOI:

Omar, D. B., Ibrahim, F. I. B., & Mohamad, N. H. B. N. (2015). Human Interaction in Open Spaces. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 201, 352–359. DOI:

TeukChinb, A. (2019). Evaluating livability and perceived values of sustainable neighborhood design: New Urbanism and original urban suburbs. Retrieved from