
Books & Hobby

Books & Hobby by Noranita Mansor, Alaa Hecham Senjab, Johana Syahirah Jauhari,Nur Faatihah Abdul Hadi, Nur Hanis Mat Rafi & Nur Syahirah Radzali

Books and Hobby is an important aspect for residents of Shah Alam. Five conceptual philosophical propositions are put forth under the topic of “Books and Hobby.” They are “Creativity and Community Socialization,” “Ecological Design and Third-placeness,” “Interactive Environment and Active Engagement, ” “User Experience,” and “Social Interaction and Interactive Environment” which respectively serve the following brands: Kinokuniya, Book Xcess, Fixi, Popular and MPH. Creativity and community socialization hinges on ecological design and thirdplaceness while social interaction is based on user experience and iteractive environment. The final proposition creativity and community socialization is based on ecological design and user experience. In ‘Alaa Hecham Senjab’s representation of Kinokuniya, she proposes community socialization by connecting between the green park and library and bookstore . In ‘Johana Syahirah Jauhari ’s representation of Book Xcess, she proposes ecological design with green technologies at the central courtyard that acts as a rain water harvesting system besides providing a space program such as cafe for users to interact with the environment. In ‘Nur Faatihah bt Abdul Hadi ’s representation of Fixi, she proposes an interactive environment through real-time, personalized conversations with visitors by physical and virtual interactive entertainment with various outdoor and indoor explorations. In ‘Nur Hanis Binti Mat Rafi’s representation Popular, she proposes community socialization and the feeling of user’s experience can create social interaction between the community with multi ethnic and religion. In ‘Nur Syahirah Radzali’s representation MPH, she proposes human-nature interaction and stimulates public engagement by building interactive public spaces and physical features that will contribute to improved social experience . From the conceptual philosophies related to books and hobby, interactive environment and active engagement was the core factor in connecting diverse people with social activity.

Know-Revivalist | Kinokuniya

Alaa Hecham Senjab

The Know-Revivalist Kinokuniya Hub serves as an interactive platform to support society through Community Socialization and creativity. Community Socialization formed by connecting between the high- intensive green park with the low-intensive library and bookstore spaces to enable a greater degree of social and cultural integration. Besides, Creativity enables greater sensory involvement, social and interaction spaces, and co-creative activities between retailers and consumers.

The concepts of high-intensive versus low-intensive meeting-places are developed. High-intensive meeting-places are those arenas where people invest their primary engagement, whereas low-intensive meeting-places are arenas where one is exposed to the values and interests of others (Aabø, S. 2005), by designing effective urban gathering parks for the public sphere and joint activities to enhance the environmental quality of public spaces, reinforce the social cohesion and the centrality of social networks.

It demonstrates the complexity of creativity as a concept, and the opportunities to create retail spaces through design‐led approaches. It defines retail design and its engagement with stakeholders within and outside the organization and its impact on organizational creativity (Kent, T. 2007), connectivity through the open plaza at the ground and the first level to create a significant socializing gathering point in Kinokuniya's mission of promoting arts and culture among the Kajang community.

Knowledge EcoBunker: Safe Haven for Wanderer | bookXcess

Johana Syahirah Jauhari

Knowledge EcoBunker is a combination of Ecological design and Thirdplaceness. Ecological design is an approach to designing products with special consideration for the environmental impacts. The thirdplaceness is the social surroundings separate from the two usual social environments of home and the workplace. The ecological design is by implementing the existing green technologies in the main spaces such as the central courtyard that act as rain water harvesting system. The implementation of thirdplaceness is by providing a space programme such as cafe that will give a comfort space for user to have interactive study spaces.

Knowledge EcoBunker will consider variations such as building orientation and thermal insulation that have the impacts on the EUI of the library (Ariff et al., 2019), by proposing central courtyard that act as rain water harvesting system to improve the thermal comfort in the design. Focusing on providing art exhibition in the design according to the library is a relevant engaging place for young people in Singapore due to its space programme (Lin et al., 2015). Bookstore-Café is emergence of a new lifestyle as a "Third Place" (Nguyen et al., 2019). Thus, the design will follow accordingly so that the user of all ages can stay comfortably in Knowledge EcoBunker.

An Inter-Active Portal | Fixi

Nur Faatihah Abdul Hadi

Fixi Centre promotes an interactive environment through its capability to create real-time, personalized conversations with its visitors through physical and virtual interactive entertainment, various outdoor and indoor explorations-and-experiences basis features. While, the responsive participation of visitors from the interactive spaces emphasize the active engagement.

Thus, the attributes of Fixi Interactive Centre implements favourable walking environment features and indoor spaces according to the criteria of good public space which emphasize on pedestrian safety, comfort and pleasure space for users in the building compound (Mariana & Yulis,2020). Next, to design a neighbourhood park with consideration of legibility attributes suggested by Moulay et al., (2017) such as clear structure, visual obstacles, and accessibility to encourage social interaction in public space. To build interactive urban square occupy with the pocket park and outdoor design features, according to the Alexander's theory of living centers with inclusive programme in public urban space to allow greater integration among the multi-ethnic society suggested by Nee and Khan (2012) by considering the social interaction, types of activities, group behaviour and role of the visual sense in group formation of particular space according three major structures to create more meaningful compositions for users proposed by Moter (2004).

Mother of Knowledge | Popular

Nur Hanis Mat Rafi

Mother of Knowledge is a combination of Community socialization and User experience. Community is a group of people living in the same geographic area under common laws. It is also a group of people sharing fellowship, a friendly association, and common interests. Socialization is the means by which the community instils its norms and values. Next terminology is User Experience. Its refers to the feeling users experience when using a product, application, system, or service. It is a broad term that can cover anything from how well the user can navigate the product, how easy it is to use, how relevant the content displayed.

The terminology that had been choose is Community socialization. Based on Marzuki et al. (2014), my study’s recommendation is to create A Community socialization area in public space that can create social interaction between community with multi Ethnic and religion around Bandar Kajang. The place will act as a gathering point in Bandar Kajang for doing lively activities, relaxing, socializing and access to public program for everybody. Then, my second terminology which is User Experience. Based on Allam, Razak, and Hussin (2009), my study also purpose to use a user Experience to the building. The building will be design with the concept that suitable to the user that will come into the building. Intention for doing this to make sure that building that will design not an ordinary building like other commercial building.

Linked In One Space | MPH Bookstore

Nur Syhahirah Radzali

Social interaction can be defined in my project design for Kajang people as a condition of free coexistence in which people of different mental and physical abilities find interaction opportunities. In other words, this is the creation of public and urban spaces that enable people to meet and connect within the framework of the society as a whole. These forms of societies are concerned with family relationships, ethnic groups, local connections and social groups that share their common interests. Then, for interactive environment can be defined to allow user to create expression of their own sensory experience (creations which can be replayed and communicated to others).

Regardless of the sketches, my concept is to create human-nature interaction and stimulate public engagement by building interactive public spaces and physical features that will contribute to improved social experience. That’s why I put socializing area in the center of my building as an initiative focused on the transformation of urban public spaces into active and dynamic spaces by encouraging people to interact with space itself and its people based on N. Ujang et al. (2018). Moreover, my study will follow A. Budarina, K. Polupan (2019) to continuously enhance digital quality management for improving the quality of life of visitors and contribute to the interactive intellectual environment.